Land Rover OEM spares for LR new cars while warranty period

In the maintenance of the new Land Rover one is not bound to a dealers in accordance with EU law. The inspections at your car  also can carried out in a free workshop, where the free Land Rover specialist is a car master workshop and use Land Rover original spare parts for the maintenance. In addition, the automotive workshop must work strictly in accordance with the inspection plan.

Land Rover works closer now with independent Specialists

However, warranty service must necessarily be carried out in a Land Rover dealer, even if in the service book of the hallmarks of a free specialists can be seen. Unlike the situation looks at the goodwill. In this matter can Land Rover Germany reject a goodwill performance, but this is not the rule.

As an Partner of Experience Parts GmbH

4WARD4X4 is an official partner of Experience Parts. Land Rover original spare parts are supplied directly to us. We work strictly according to the specifications of Land Rover. Within 24 hours we get all Land Rover original spare parts for a night express . Access to documentation and flat rates catalogs is 4WARD4X4 wheel service always available.